Configure Reasons to Adjust Charges
Stay allows users to configure reasons that can be selected when adjusting charges in a folio.
Feature Setting
The following new feature setting has been added to enable users to configure reasons for adjusting charges:
Name: Adjust Charge Reasons
Value: Must be enabled
Comments: License is not required
The following new permission has been added to enable users to configure reasons for adjusting charges at the property level:
Users with this permission can add or modify the reasons configured for the property.. This permission is provided to the following roles by default:
System Administrator
Stay Hotel Manager
Department Manager
When the feature setting is enabled, users with the StayWritePropertyAdjustChargeReasons permission can configure reasons at the property level for adjusting charges from the Adjust Charge Reasons screen (Settings à All Settings à Reservations à Adjust Charge Reasons). When users click Add, the Add Reason pop-up screen appears that displays the following fields:
Field |
Description |
Active Checkbox |
Code |
Reason |
Type |
This is a mandatory field that allows users to select from the following adjustment types :
Description |
This is an optional field that allows users to enter a description for the reason. Users can enter a maximum of 300 characters. |
The configured reasons are saved when users click Save and are displayed in the Adjust Charge Reasons tab. The reasons are displayed as a hyperlink. When clicked, the Edit Adjust Charge Reason pop-up screen appears that allows users to modify the following fields for the configured reasons:
Adjust Charge Type
Allow Properties to Inactivate the Reason
Active Checkbox
The following columns are displayed in the Adjust Charge Reasons tab:
Column |
Description |
Reason |
Displays the reason configured. |
Code |
Displays the code for the reason. |
Description |
Displays the description for the reason. |
Adjust Type |
Displays the adjustment types for which the configured reasons can be applied, that is, for Guest Satisfaction or Posted Incorrectly. |
Level |
Displays if the reasons are configured at the customer or property level. |
Status |
Displays if the reasons are active or inactive. |
Users can search reasons in this tab using the Reason or Code and filter records using the Level and Adjust Type values.